Ground Texture Sim 4.0.0
A realistic ground texture data generator for monocular SLAM
Ground Texture Simulation

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Table of Contents

  1. License
  2. Install
    1. Local Blender
    2. Local Container
    3. Prebuilt Container
  3. Running
  4. Customization
    1. Customizing the Output
    2. Customizing the Environment

This package helps create realistic ground texture synthetic images for use by a monocular SLAM application. To promote fidelity, it uses physics based rendering (PBR) to accurately simulate the appearance of the ground texture. Additionally, it avoids the repetition of tiles common in most simulated floors.

Source Code



Copyright 2022 Kyle M. Hart

See LICENSE for more info.

Since v3.0.0 and subsequent versions rely on Blender's API, this project is licensed under GPLv3 and later. There is no code reuse between v3.0.0 and previous versions, so no conflict with previous licenses.

The example texture provided in this repository comes from Poly Haven and is licensed under CC0

The format for the data comes from this repository: which is licensed under CC BY-SA: 4.0


There are three ways to use this, depending on your preferred setup. Regardless of the setup, make sure you PYTHONPATH environmental variable contains the directory of this code so that Blender can find all of the scripts.

Blender Installed Locally

If you already have Blender installed locally, you only need to clone the repository to your computer:

git clone --branch VERSION

Build Container Locally

If you don't have Blender, this code also provides a Dockerfile that will create an image with Blender. Just run the following:

git clone --branch VERSION
cd ground-texture-sim
docker build --target run -t ground-texture-sim:run .

The resulting image will have Blender, the generation scripts, and the example environment. If you are only interacting with the environment via this code, you don't need to get the GUI working. Any other features, such as editing the lighting, and you do.

Pull Docker Hub Container

If you don't want to build anything yourself, you can just pull a prebuilt container from Docker Hub:

docker pull kylerobots/ground-texture-sim:TAG

Make sure the tag is at least 4.0.0


To run the script, enter the following from the command line in the root directory of the project. This example generates data for the example provided in example_setup. Note that, depending on your settings and computing power, this script may take some time to execute. The script will continually provide progress updates as it goes.

blender example_setup/environment.blend -b --python --python-use-system-env -- config.json

You can substitute example_setup/environment.blend for another Blender environment you may have. Likewise, config.json should be replaced with the name of the configuration JSON file that specifies everything for your project. An example JSON file can be found at the root directory of this project and its content is described below.

The -b flag will run Blender in the background, so you don't need to open it up. However, you may use Blender as usual to adjust lighting, the scene, or anything else not currently supported by this script.

The --python-use-system-env flag allows Blender to search for modules on your PYTHONPATH instead of just within Blender's instance of Python. This is essential for all the necessary code to run, and why PYTHONPATH must point to this code.

The data is output to the location specified by output in the JSON. The general structure is as follows:

├─ <sequence/sequence_type>_<date>.test
├─ <sequence/sequence_type>_<date>.txt
├─ <sequence/sequence_type>_<date>_meters.txt
├─ camera_properties/
│ ├─ <camera/name>_intrinsic_matrix.txt
│ ├─ <camera/name>_pose.txt
├─ <sequence/sequence_type>/
│ ├─ <date>/
│ │ ├─ seq<sequence/sequence_number>/
│ │ │ ├─ <image_name>

Each element in <> is substituted with either a configuration setting or other parameter. The image_name is of the form:


The top level files are main lists. The one ending in .test lists a relative path to each image in the sequence. The ones that end in .txt both contain lists alternating between the relative path to each image and a global pose, stored as a 3x3 flattened homogenous matrix. The difference between the two is that the one with a _meters.txt suffix stores the global pose, in meters, of a simulated robot carrying the camera. The one with just .txt notes the pose of the top left pixel of the image, in pixel space. In other words, the origin of this space is the origin of the top left corner of the image taken when the simulated robot is at (0, 0, 0).

Additionally there are two folders. The first, called camera_properties, contains 2 text files. <camera_name>_intrinsic_matrix.txt contains the 3x3 camera matrix. <camera_name>_pose.txt contains the 4x4 homogenous transform representing the pose of the camera with respect to the simulated robot that is following the given trajectory.

The last folder is a series of nested folders containing the images. This comes from the format specified here:


Customizing the Output

The below example JSON and table show what values can currently be specified in the configuration JSON. The table also lists if a parameter is required and its default if not required.

"trajectory": "example_setup/trajectories/corners_1x1.txt",
"output": "output",
"sequence": {
"texture_number": 1,
"sequence_type": "regular",
"sequence_number": 1
"camera": {
"name": "Camera",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.25,
"roll": 0.0,
"pitch": 1.5708,
"yaw": 0.0
Parameter Key Required? Default Value Description
trajectory Yes N/A The name of the file to read the list of poses the robot should take. Each line in the file should be of the form x, y, yaw in meters, meters, and radians, respectively
output Yes N/A The folder the images and calibration file should be written to. Can be absolute or relative
sequence/texture_number Yes N/A An integer designation of the texture used in this sequence
sequence/sequence_type Yes N/A A string describing what type of sequence, such as "regular" or "lawnmower"
sequence/sequence_number Yes N/A A unique integer relative to this particular texture and date of data collection
camera/name Yes N/A The name in Blender for the camera.
camera/x No 0.0 The X component of the translation of the camera from the simulated robot's frame.
camera/y No 0.0 The Y component of the translation of the camera from the simulated robot's frame.
camera/z No 0.0 The Z component of the translation of the camera from the simulated robot's frame.
camera/roll No 0.0 The roll of the orientation, in RPY Euler angles and radians, of the camera from the simulated robot's frame
camera/pitch No 1.5708 The pitch of the orientation, in RPY Euler angles and radians, of the camera from the simulated robot's frame
camera/yaw No 0.0 The yaw of the orientation, in RPY Euler angles and radians, of the camera from the simulated robot's frame

Note that while any 6 DOF pose of the camera is technically possible, deviations too far from a downward facing camera may result in undefined behavior. This pose also represents the pose of the camera relative to each trajectory pose. In other words, if the trajectories specified in the trajectory file are a robot's pose on the ground plane, these values are the pose of the camera with respect to the robot's origin. This is provided to allow easy data generation of cases where the camera may be misaligned or off-center. Importantly, the roll, pitch, and yaw are Euler angles applied in that order and are extrinsic rotations. The values are in meters and radians. Additionally, values of zero on all six dimensions will align the camera image with the robot's frame of reference, so it won't be pointed at the ground. You will typically want a pitch of pi / 2.0 or close to that for a downward facing camera. While this is counterintuitive for this application, this adheres to frame conventions in the greater robotics community.

Customizing the Environment

For any other setting, such as different textures or image size, you will need to open up Blender and edit the .blend file. This is due to the extremely large number of settings that are possible. Consequently, this guide will not cover them all. However, here are some common items to consider. This assumes basic familiarity with Blender.

  • The device used for rendering can be selected on the render properties pane, under Device. It is encouraged to use the GPU if available.
  • The quality of the render can be changed by adjusted the Render > Samples setting on the render properties pane. The higher the number, the higher quality the image (and longer render time).
  • The size of the output image is found in the Output Properties pane, under Format.
  • To change the ground texture, navigate to the Shading workspace and select the Ground object in the Scene Collection. You will see a bunch of nodes connected together. The four brown ones are the PBR files. Each one is named for the type of file it should hold (e.g. normal for the normal file). Use the file browser on each node to change to a new texture.
  • The size of the ground can be changed by selecting Ground in the Scene Collection, then navigating to the Object Properties pane. Use the X and Y scale. The example file has a ground that is 2x2 meters. The texture will stretch to fit whatever the ground size is.
  • The camera parameters are not set as a matrix, but rather as a combination of the image resolution and properties specified in the Object Data Properties pane found when selecting the Camera from the Scene Collection. See for a good overview of how these parameters impact the intrinsic matrix.