turtlesim_teleop  0.1.0
A simple teleoperation control of the turtlesim to practice ROS2 and some development features.

A practice ROS2 package to control the turtlesim robot. This provides a simple keyboard teleoperation node. The real goal of the project is to practice developing in ROS2, using containers, and performing various code quality steps.


This README assumes you are working in Docker containers on Windows. It also assumes VS Code as the IDE of choice, although this is less impactful on the steps. If running on Ubuntu natively, the correct ROS commands can be easily run.

You should have Docker and some sort of X11 server (such as VcXserv) installed. They should both be started up.

Starting the Simulation

The compose.yaml file in the docker subfolder is used to start the environment. Run docker compose up to build the containers and start the right nodes. If successful, you should see the familiar turtlesim GUI window appear. An rqt windows should also appear for any introspection that may be required.

Loading the Development Environment

To work on the package within VS Code, select the Reopen in Container command. This will build the appropriate container and attach the workspace to it. Note that there should be a network named ros already in existence. The compose file will create one, or you can start one yourself.