A collection of algorithms covered in my Algorithms course.
Sorting::detail Namespace Reference

This is a namespace with some under the hood functions. More...


void maxHeapify (std::vector< double > &array, size_t heap_size, size_t current_index)
 Converts an array to have the heap property. More...
std::vector< double > buildMaxHeap (const std::vector< double > &input)
 Build a heap-like array for sorting via Heap sort. More...
void merge (std::vector< double > &input, size_t p, size_t q, size_t r)
 The helper function that performs the actual merge of mergesort. More...
void mergeSort (std::vector< double > &input, size_t start_index, size_t end_index)
 A helper function for merge sort that divides the problem. More...
size_t quickPartition (std::vector< double > &input, size_t start_index, size_t end_index)
 Perform the partition operation for quick sort. More...
void quickSort (std::vector< double > &input, size_t start_index, size_t end_index)
 A helper function for the quicksort divide and conquer. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > radixCountSort (const std::vector< unsigned int > &input, unsigned int digit)
 A modified counting sort that operates on a single digit for each number. More...

Detailed Description

This is a namespace with some under the hood functions.

These should generally not be called by the user unless you are very sure what you are doing and have a very good reason for doing so.

Function Documentation

◆ buildMaxHeap()

std::vector<double> Sorting::detail::buildMaxHeap ( const std::vector< double > &  input)

Build a heap-like array for sorting via Heap sort.

This puts the array in such an order that its heap property is maintained. It does this by inserting elements and calling maxHeapify to ensure compliance with the heap property.

inputThe array to heapify.
The array in heap structure.

◆ maxHeapify()

void Sorting::detail::maxHeapify ( std::vector< double > &  array,
size_t  heap_size,
size_t  current_index 

Converts an array to have the heap property.

This recursively ensures that a given vector satisfies the heap property with the first, root element being the maximum. This is called recursively and assumes that all elements lower than lowest_index already meet the heap property. It takes the target index and moves it into the correct spot down the array to maintain the heap property.

arrayThe array to make into a heap.
heap_sizeThe maximum element that is considered part of the heap.
current_indexThe current index to consider. It assumes all larger then this are already in heap order.

◆ merge()

void Sorting::detail::merge ( std::vector< double > &  input,
size_t  p,
size_t  q,
size_t  r 

The helper function that performs the actual merge of mergesort.

This creates the two stacks, which are already in sorted order, and pops whichever value off the top is smaller. This leads to a single array that is completely sorted.

inputThe array to sort. This will be operated on in-place.
pThe smallest index to include in the sort.
qThe midpoint of the sorting selection. It is assumed that and values from [p, q] are already sorted as well as all values from [q+1, r].
rThe largest index to include in the sort.

◆ mergeSort()

void Sorting::detail::mergeSort ( std::vector< double > &  input,
size_t  start_index,
size_t  end_index 

A helper function for merge sort that divides the problem.

This method recursively divides up the array into half. Eventually, the problem is broken down into individual elements, which are by definition sorted. This then uses merge to combine the elements back together in sorted order.

inputThe vector to operate on. This will be modified in place.
start_indexThe smallest index to consider in sorting.
end_indexThe largest index to consider in sorting.

◆ quickPartition()

size_t Sorting::detail::quickPartition ( std::vector< double > &  input,
size_t  start_index,
size_t  end_index 

Perform the partition operation for quick sort.

This function takes the last value in the supplied range and uses it as a pivot. It then walks through the array and ensures that each value less then the pivot is on the left and greater than on the right. It will then put the pivot in the middle of the array.

inputThe array to partition.
start_indexThe first index to include in the partition.
end_indexThe last index to include in the partition.
The index around which the array is partitioned.

◆ quickSort()

void Sorting::detail::quickSort ( std::vector< double > &  input,
size_t  start_index,
size_t  end_index 

A helper function for the quicksort divide and conquer.

This part partitions each array, then calls itself for each partition.

inputThe array to sort.
start_indexThe first index to include in the sort.
end_indexThe last index to include in the sort. @

◆ radixCountSort()

std::vector<unsigned int> Sorting::detail::radixCountSort ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  input,
unsigned int  digit 

A modified counting sort that operates on a single digit for each number.

This uses the same algorithm as countingSort, but only compares a single digit for each number, rather than the whole number. Because of that, it only needs to allocate 10 spaces for the count.

inputThe vector to sort.
digitThe digit index to sort on. 0 = ones place, 1 = tens place, etc.
The array sorted on the select digit.