All photos courtesy of Unsplash

A picture of a brick walkway.

Ground Texture SLAM

A SLAM system that navigates using only images of the ground, as described in this paper and this presentation

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A picture of wood floors.

Ground Texture Sim

A tool to simulate realistic ground textures for use in downward facing monocular SLAM applications. This is to help generate data for my PhD research.

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k-Armed Bandit

K-Armed Bandit

A modular collection of K-Armed Bandits and associated reinforcement learning agents to solve them.

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A computer with code displayed on it.


Some practice code from my Algorithms course.

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A turtle swimming in the water.


A ROS2 package to control the turtlesim demonstration via keyboard. This is mainly to practice working with ROS2 and has only basic capability at the moment due to other priorities.

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A set of handwritten digits


A very basic, underdeveloped project using Qt’s GUI framework combined with PyTorch for C++.

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